"Jade Culture
Jade Culture, A Part of Chinese Culture,
Why Chinese CollectJadeite Jade ?
Jade Culture
The history of jade culture stretched back thousands of years. Gems such as diamond only entered
culture relatively recently.Jade, regarded as the legacy of the stone age and
the essence of the mountains and rivers, has occupied an important role
in Chinese culture ever since the Neolithic period from B.C.
4000 Jade reflected many Chinese beliefs and values in
ancient China. Scientific studies done on archaeological finds
in China have revealed that many prehistoric
cultures existed before the three dynasties of Hsia,
Shang,and Western Zhou (B.C 2000 to B.C. 771). One
of them (Western part of Liaoning to the
Eastern part of Inner Mongolia) known as Hong Shan (Red
Hill) Culture,where many jade artefacts were
unearthed during the excavation, among them was the first jade
dragon. (Pig head with a snake body). It can be considered to be the beginning of Jade Culture in China.
In ancient China, nephrite jade was
used for tools,
weapons, and ornaments (Hansford, 1950). Jade’s antiquity
contributes an aura of eternity to this gem. Members of the noble class
valued jade highly. Confucius once said "A
gentelman always carried a jade pendant, as a symbol of class and to
remind him the virtues of a gentelman, since those virtues were found
in jade". He also praised jade as
a symbol of righteousness and knowledge. According to Shuo Wen compiled
by Xu Shen of the Eastern Han, the five virtues of jade were:
benevolence, integrity, intelligence, bravery and trustworthiness which
were exactly expected of a gentleman.
Yu 玉 , the Chinese word for
jade, is one of the oldest in the
Chinese language; its pictograph is said to have originated in 2950 BC,
when the transition from knotted cords to written signs supposedly
occurred. The pictograph represents three pieces of jade, pierced and
threaded with a string ; the dot was added to distinguish it from the
pictograph for “ruler” 王(Goette, n.d.).
To the Chinese, jade was traditionally defined by its
“virtues,” namely a compact, fine texture,
tremendous toughness and high hardness, smooth and glossy luster, along
with high translucency and the ability to take a high polish (Wang,
1994). But they also ascribe mystical powers to the stone. Particularly
popular is the belief that jade can predict the stages of
one’s life: If a jade ornament appears more brilliant and
transparent, it suggests that there is good fortune ahead; if it
becomes dull, bad luck is inevitable。
(Stone of
Heaven by the Chinese) is priceless
Testifying to how much the Chinese are fond of
jade is this time-honoured proverb: “Gold may have a price,
but jade is priceless.” The value of gold can be determined
by measuring its weight. Not jade. The value of a piece of
jade is “assessed” by taking numerous
factors into account. For example, the luster, purity and color, the
sound it produces when struck, and when the jade piece was discovered
or when and where a jade artefact was produced can affect a
piece’s value.
The beauty of jadeite and its cultural
ancient times, men of moral integrity have been seen as processing the
fine qualities of jade: tenderness, modesty, urbanity, among them. In
the eyes of the Chinese, jade is not as shiny or sparkling as other
precious stones such as diamonds, which some believe characterizes
people who are aggressive or arrogant. Because of its physical qualities,
jade, jadeite in particular, suits the artistic and intellectual tastes
of the Chinese people,” said Ouyang Chiumei, a world-renown
expert in jade. “The Chinese are reserved and mild. In their
eyes, westerners are straight forward and aggressive, quite like the
To understand Jade Culture - Two
types of Jades
Jade is a name that was erroneously given to two separate and distinct
gem materials-jadeite JADE and nephrite JADE - many
centuries ago. In 1863, French mineralogist Alexis Damour analyzed
bright green jades from then-Burma. When he found these samples to be
different from what was called Chinese jade (usually amphibole jade, or
nephrite), he named the mineral jadeite (the mineral with nominal
formula NaAlSi2O6).
(Damour, 1863).
Commercial grade
of Jadeite is only found in Myanmar
Every year the Mynamar Gems Enterprise ( owned by the government of
Myanmar ) holds the Myanmar Gems, Jade and Pearl Emporium where
boulders of jadeite are sold by tender to the top jade dealers around
the world and this is one of the most improtant event in the jade
industry. It is said that 90% of the boulders are bought by the
mainland Chinese nowadays. And auctions of jade jewellery
usually net top dollar in Hong Kong. We can safely say that it is an
industry that basically thrives in the Far East.

on boulders
The dealers who bought jadeite do not really know what they
were buying.They got to see no more than a small window
cut into the boulder of jadeite to show a glimpse of the stone's
interior.The dealers had no way of knowing whether the stone would be
valueabe green jadeite or otherwise.They based on their
instincts to guide them; they literally gambled hundreds of thousands
dollars on somthing that might worthless. That is why the
trade is suitable for Chinese who view gambling as a favorate form of
Jadeite market is thriving
Jadeite, the most valued member of the jade
family, became popular in
shortly after it was imported from
in the early Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). While some traditionalists feel that it lacks the
rich history of nephrite, nevertheless the
“emerald” green color of Imperial jadeite is the
standard by which all jades – including nephrite –
are judged by most Chinese enthusiasts today .In
the jadeite market has become increasingly brisk along with the boom of
the national economy. Prices for top-class jadeite articles have
increased several times over the past year,
Jadeite is becoming increasingly popular in western countries, at a
time when more and more Chinese are taking a liking to diamonds.
“Westerners are fascinated not only by the fine stone itself,
but more importantly by the cultural messages it carries,”
Collect Jadeite Jade - why?
“Buy antiques in times of peace and prosperity, and gold in
times of turmoil,” so the Chinese proverb
goes. Prices are likely to continue to rise. One of the
reasons is the shortage of supply. Jadeite is produced only
in Myanmar. Jadeite deposits were formed
over millions of years, but these are being rapidly depleted due to
excess mining. In the past, jadeite pieces were collected
by simple digging near the rivers. Nowadays the precious stone is being
mined from the mountains. As the precious stone is becoming
rare, investing in jadeite could be a good idea for long term
investors / collectors.
to invest in jadeite
To be a good investor in jadeite, “First you have to
invest in your knowledge of the precious stone. Only when you turn
yourself into a jadeite expert can you start thinking about investing
in jadeite. You have to understand what kind of items are worth
investing in. There are so many fake and substandard items on
the market that lots of consumers have been cheated."
grades of Jadeite
Jadeite are classified into three grades, A, B and C (see below). Those
of Grade A
largely retain their natural features despite their processing,
cutting, engraving. Products of Grade B products are bleached to get
rid of impurities. Grade C products are often dyed and therefore of
little value.

It is difficult for the layman to
distinguish good jade from bad jade, not to mention other physical
qualities of the stone. That’s why Ouyang suggests that for
quality jade artefacts, buyers should rely on a dealer with a good
If jade is discarded and pearls destroyed, petty thieves will
disappear, there being no valuables left to steal.
– From a
dictionary published during the reign of Emperor K’ang Hsi
(1662–1722 AD), as
quoted by Gump, 1962
About Ouyang Chiumei: Ouyang Chiumei is one of the
leading gemmologists, recognized the world over as an authority on
jadeite jade. She achieved international renown in the mineralogical
and gemological fraternities with her discovery and disclosure of
“Ureyite” in the jade market in Hong Kong. She founded The Hong
Kong Gems Laboratory and The H.K. institute of gemology in 1987, both
of which have become recognized as leaders in the field of jadeite
identification and education. She is also the first person to come up
with the concept of “A, B and C” grade to classify
jadeite products.
Have a nice day!
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